Additional Childcare Units
Following a request from colleges, we have added two units from our Skills for Childcare qualifications to our Entry Level 3 and Level 1 Vocational Studies qualifications.
The two units are:
Books, Stories, Poems and Rhymes for Children
These units have been added to the following qualifications:
Entry Level 3
Entry Level Certificate in Vocational Studies (Entry 3)
Entry Level Extended Certificate in Vocational Studies (Entry 3)
Entry Level Diploma in Vocational Studies (Entry 3)
Level 1
Level 1 Certificate in Vocational Studies
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Vocational Studies
Level 1 Diploma in Vocational Studies
The Qualification Specification has been updated, so please ensure you are referring to the most up-to-date version for delivery.
If you are interested in running these or any of our qualifications, contact us to discuss your requirements.