Working in partnership with a large FE college, Gateway Qualifications has developed knowledge-based online multiple choice assessed qualifications that focus on resilience.

With technology being at the forefront of how we are learning and communicating with others, it is now more important than ever to offer an online educational experience that prepares learners for a digital world through practice, and rewards them with a qualification at the end of it.

Assessment for our new Equality and Diversity, and Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Digital World qualifications are available on demand via an online multiple-choice assessment which is externally set and marked.

These qualifications will be available for delivery from 1st August 2020.

Equality and Diversity qualifications

Learners will acquire an introductory understanding of equality, diversity, inclusion, stereotyping and discrimination, and the fundamentals of UK law. They will also learn about promoting equality and diversity.

Available at Entry 3 and Level 1, each qualification is intended to give learners an understanding of equality and diversity and their value to society, and to enable them to recognise how they, as individuals, can positively support equality and diversity.

Gateway Qualifications Entry Level Award in Equality and Diversity (Entry 3)

Gateway Qualifications Level 1 Award in Equality and Diversity

Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Digital World qualifications

Our new qualifications are based on the new UK Council for Internet Safety framework:

UK Council for Internet Safety – Digital Resilience Framework

These qualifications develop learners’ understanding of potential online harms and give them strategies for keeping safe online and maintaining their own digital wellbeing.

Learners will gain an introductory understanding of harmful online content and interactions, ways to keep themselves safe from these, and how to report them where appropriate.  They will also learn about digital resilience and digital wellbeing so that they are better able to keep self and healthy as an online user.

Gateway Qualifications Entry Level Award in Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Digital World (Entry 3)

Gateway Qualifications Level 1 Award in Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Digital World

Similar qualifications with alternative assessment method

Gateway Qualifications offers a number of similar qualifications, which either have a different focus in terms of content or a different assessment method. For example:

Awards in E-safety which cover safe online practice (but not digital resilience or wellbeing) and are assessed through a portfolio of evidence (rather than through an online test); Awards in Keeping Safe and Healthy which include reference to online safety and digital wellbeing (alongside real-world health and safety); Awards in British Values which cover online safety (but only in the context of radicalisation and extremism).