Recognised Centres delivering Gateway Qualifications provision must have quality management systems in place to underpin that delivery.

This section provides information and exemplar paperwork to assist you with maintaining a robust quality management system.

Looking for help with admin processes or using our systems?

Visit our Help with Administration section for how to guides for the most common tasks and support with using our online systems.

Quality Assurance Support

Centre Handbook

Our Centre Handbook sets out what is required of the centre in order to deliver our qualifications.

Centre Handbook

Access to HE Provider Handbook

Quality Assurance – Processes and Procedures

Information and exemplar forms to support your internal quality assurance.

Quality Assurance – Processes and Procedures

Access to HE – Processes and Procedures

Our Policies

Copies of all our published policies and associated procedures.

Our Policies

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to your Quality Assurance staff. All colleagues were robust yet personable, supportive and very staff/student-centred. All our questions have been answered and we were given as much flexibility as possible based on our current position.
Omur Derelikoylu, Waltham Forest College