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  • This event has passed but is available on demand.
11th July 2024
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Watch it here
New City College Group
Leeds City College
Paul Saunders

Gateway Qualifications is delighted to be hosting a sponsored workshop session as part of the AoC Learning Week.

This workshop will explore Digital Functional Skills Qualifications (DFSQ) and Essential Digital Skills Qualifications (EDSQ), as they form a key part of the Department of Education’s (DfE) strategy for developing digital skills.

Join this session examines the decision colleges make when choosing which qualifications to offer? What sorts of learners are they suitable for? And how do they fit within existing study programmes and courses?

Our panel of practitioners will answer these questions and more as we grapple with the challenge of ensuring that learners leave college equipped with the digital skills they need for life and work.

Please note, this is a third party event and Gateway Qualifications is not responsible for the content or bookings for this event. Please get in touch with AoC for any event enquiries.

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