When an assignment brief is accurate, it makes marking, grading, feedback, and standardisation much more straightforward, with errors reduced in student achievement.

To provide Centres with a unique layer of support, we are introducing an assignment brief checking service from 5th December 2022.

The checking service will confirm that assignment briefs are fit for purpose and enable students to achieve at all levels to the best of their abilities. Therefore, reducing the potential impact of errors and last-minute interventions.

Benefits of assignment checking service

  • Free for approved Access to HE Centres
  • Confident that the brief meets the needs of the unit and learners
  • Reduced errors identified by moderators, meaning less worry at the end of the year for Centres
  • Improved student confidence and outcomes

The service has been trialled with a number of new Centres as they transfer their provision to Gateway Qualifications.

Feedback has been extremely positive, with Centres using the service to improve practice and delivery, as they start their first year with us.

Look out for further details and how to take advantage of this service over the coming weeks.