
Level 1
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
27 hours

Unit Learning Outcomes


Know about garden habitats. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Define the term ‘habitat’.

  • 1.2

    Describe different types of habitat that can be created within a garden including their key characteristics and the wildlife they are likely to attract.

  • 1.3

    Outline the benefits of attracting wildlife into a garden.


Be able to plan a garden habitat. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Select a habitat to create that is suitable for a particular area of a garden, stating why the area is suitable for that habitat.

  • 2.2

    Select plants suitable for the habitat being created, stating why these plants are likely to thrive in the chosen location.

  • 2.3

    Identify the different types of wildlife likely to be attracted to the habitat and the benefits of bringing these into the garden.

  • 2.4

    Give reasons why the habitat (and the plants within it) are likely to attract particular types of wildlife into the garden.


Be able to maintain a garden habitat.

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    Carry out ongoing tasks needed to maintain a specific garden habitat. 

  • 3.2

    Carry out appropriate seasonal tasks in order to maintain a specific garden habitat. 

  • 3.3

    Select and use appropriate tools correctly to carry out maintenance tasks.