
Entry Level 3
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
20 hours

Unit Learning Outcomes


Understand what is meant by ‘mental health’.

Basic definitions such as:

‘Good mental health means being generally able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life’. MIND

Mental ill-health is the experience of symptoms that stop you being able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life. MIND.

Emphasis that good mental health is important for everyone, no age barriers, gender divisions etc 

Symptoms may come and go or be present most of the time. Symptoms can affect your mood (e.g. feeling depressed or anxious) or the way you see/understand the world (e.g. hearing voices or thinking people are saying nasty things about you)

Common emotional states which are distinct from mental illness: sadness; everyday anxiety or nervousness (e.g. before a performance); feeling a bit stressed in response to events/circumstances such as having to hand in work by a deadline.

These do not count as mental illnesses in themselves because
- they are natural responses to events or circumstances
- they tend to pass quite quickly
- they don’t generally stop people from getting on with their day-to-day lives

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Give a definition of ‘good’ mental health.

  • 1.2

    Give a definition of mental ill-health.

  • 1.3

    Identify some common emotional states, which may be unpleasant to experience, but do not count as mental illness


Understand how to look after own mental wellbeing.

Features of a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating; regular sleeping patterns; limited use of alcohol; avoiding drugs; taking exercise, having friends; doing things you enjoy; not worrying too much about what other people think of you; talking about things that worry you rather than bottling them up.

How to recognise changing patterns in your mental health?

What everyday challenges can impact on good mental health?

How to promote own good mental health

Coping strategies: breathing exercises; relaxation techniques; distraction techniques; focusing on positives; keeping things in perspective; asking for help.

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Describe key features of a lifestyle that supports good mental health

  • 2.2

    State some key signs of deteriorating mental health

  • 2.3

    Give examples of positive ways to cope with stressful situations. 


Understand how to support friends and family with mental health difficulties.

Signs of deteriorating mental health: excessive crying; not wanting to spend time with other people; excessive drinking or drug-taking; behaving in a way that is not ‘normal’ for that individual – e.g. losing interest in a football team they were previously passionate about or for someone who was a ‘party animal’, not going out at the weekend any more, lack of attention to their appearance.

All of the above are possible indicators of mental ill-health – not everyone behaving in this way will have a mental illness.

Ways to support: talking and listening; involving friends in social activities; encouraging them to ask for help; reminding them that they are not alone/other people feel this way too

Situations in which to seek further help:

Emergency services:
If you’re worried about a friend’s safety

Trusted adult or professional:

If you’re not sure what to do next;
If their symptoms are extreme (e.g. delusions/hallucinations);
If you don’t feel that you are helping anymore;
If your friend is asking you to support them to make contact with a mental health service.

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    List the signs of poor mental health in others.

  • 3.2

    Identify ways they can support positive mental health in others.

  • 3.3

    Give examples of situations when it is better to seek professional or emergency help rather than offer support themselves.


Know about support for mental ill-health.

  • School/college-based professionals such as counsellors, student support or welfare officers and on-site information hubs, e.g. a wellness noticeboard or leaflet table/shelf; key helplines or websites; local services; GP

  • Online support
  • Perhaps something about getting support does not mean a weakness
  • Assessment Criteria

    • 4.1

      Identify sources of support relating to mental health