Qualification Grading Type
Grade Descriptors
- GD2-Application of knowledge
- GD3-Application of skills
- GD5-Communication and presentation
- GD7-Quality
This unit is expiring
The expiry date of this unit is 31/07/2026.
Know how to use HTML basic tags.
Format HTML document using paragraphs, headings, line breaks, divisions, images and ordered and unordered lists, appropriate to the software that is being used.
Use HTML hyperlinks to navigate between webpages and external links
Use CSS in the website and analyse how the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can improve the look of a website.
Be able to design an interactive website.
Be able to create and test an Interactive website using HTML and CSS.
Review and test the website produced to assess how closely the site matches the original specification and whether it meets the requirements.