
Level 2
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
48 hours


Learners will develop the knowledge and skills to plan, develop and review a digital skills project.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Be able to identify, select and plan for a digital skills project.

Digital skills project, for example: promotional website, educational game, animation to raise awareness etc.

Evidence may include witness statements, a personal log, notes of meetings, a video diary, blog/vlog.

Aims may include: to improve teamwork, to raise fund for a charity, raise awareness, personal development, meeting client needs.

Skills needed may include: improving technical skills, communication and interpersonal skills, organisational skills, the ability to motivate others, planning and scheduling, dealing with conflict/difficult situations, meeting with a client, leading a team.

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Justify choice and scope for a digital skills project.

  • 1.2

    Identify project aims and the actions needed to achieve them.

  • 1.3

    Outline skills needed to complete project.

  • 1.4

    Plan how to meet agreed deadlines.


Be able to carry out research for a digital skills project.

Sources of information may include:

  • Primary sources (e.g. observation drawings, photographs, visits).
  • Secondary sources (e.g. practitioner research, books, websites, blogs).
  • Existing products (e.g. websites, games).

Relevant and reliable data will vary according to the project selected but may include: audience ratings, interview transcripts, questionnaire responses.

Appropriate referencing: acknowledgement of author, title and date for books and journals, website urls, full names and positions for information from people.

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Identify different sources of information relevant to the project.

  • 2.2

    Select relevant and reliable information for use in project.

  • 2.3

    Reference sources of information and evidence appropriately.


Be able to undertake activities to develop a digital skills project.

  • Evidence may include witness statements, a personal log, notes of meetings, a video diary, blog/vlog.
  • Planning: mind maps, storyboards, site map/structure, navigation/user interaction, content/assets, design layouts, technical requirements, resources, prototypes, resources, time management, budget/costings.
  • Development: creating content, importing resources, editing content/assets, authoring, alternative ideas, project management, saving files appropriately, exporting/publishing, keeping a production log, awareness of current legal and ethical issues, copyright legislation etc.
  • Safe working practices: importance of health and safety, working safely with digital devices and equipment, maintaining a safe working environment.
  • Personal skills and knowledge may include: carrying out own roles, taking on and completing tasks, providing information, communicating with others, working as a team, supporting others, responding to problems, providing feedback to others).

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    Apply appropriate skills and knowledge to develop the project in line with project aims and plan.


Be able to present and evaluate a digital skills project.

  • Presentation: presentation, group presentation, critique, use of visual aids, effective communications, meeting initial intentions, format and structure, style, formal/informal, audience, speaker notes, supporting handouts.
  • Evaluation of own performance: attendance, reliability, team skills, working independently / self-motivation, communication skills, taking responsibility, meeting objectives, planning, organisation and contingency.
  • Review: strengths, weaknesses, meeting initial intentions.
  • Review own performance: working to deadlines, skill development, resources, organisation, presentation, research skills.
  • Improvements to own work: feedback from others, improvements to personal performance, improvements to production skills.

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1

    Present project to a specific audience, using appropriate format and technical language.

  • 4.2

    Review project against aims and plan.

  • 4.3

    Review own performance, identifying strengths, weaknesses and areas for development.