
Level 2
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
48 hours


Learners will investigate website design and plan, design and create their own website in response to a client brief.. They will test and refine the website against the client brief and review their own performance.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Understand website fundamentals.

  • Types: information based, entertainment, advertising, promotional, educational, commercial, product based, service based.
  • Features: Domains, hosting, content, target audience, functionality, cookies, legal issues, security issues, accessibility.
  • Principles: Purpose, usability, typography, colours, white space, page layout, navigation, responsive web design.
  • Technologies and tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web 2.0, FTP, validation tools, google analytics, search engine optimisation.

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Describe different types of websites and their key features.

  • 1.2

    Explain how and why different principles are used in the design of a website.


Be able to design a website for an audience and purpose. 

Design proposals: client requirements, content, target audience, functionality, budget, deadlines, professionalism.

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Present a design proposal for a website.


Be able to produce planning documentation for a website in response to a client brief. 

Planning: importance of planning, ideas generation, mind maps, sketches, layout, storyboarding, moodboards, sitemap, file structure, navigation, content, colour, style, typography, time management, technical considerations.

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    Produce planning documentation for a website.


Be able to create a website.

  • Asset sourcing: sourcing/creating/editing assets, images, animation, audio, video, interactive elements, creative commons, copyright.
  • Production: software, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, document object model, tags, elements, attributes, layout techniques, formatting content, navigation, hyperlinks, images, rollover images, embedding, forms, cross browser compatibility, responsive web design, W3C standards.
  • Publishing: file management, uploading, file transfer protocol.

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1

    Create a website in line with design proposal and planning documentation.

  • 4.2

    Publish a website to a web server.


Be able to test, review and refine a website for functionality and usability.

  • Testing: test plans, user testing, broken hyperlinks, cross browser compatibility, responsive web design, validation.
  • Learners should review the website against the client brief and obtain feedback on the quality of finished product and its fitness for purpose, the review should identify positives and negatives relating to the website, rather than the creation process.
  • Learner should include reflections on the website (strengths and areas for development), taking into account user feedback, own self- assessment, feedback from others (peers, tutors), user experience, analysing feedback, identifying areas of improvement.
  • Suggested improvements to own work: more efficient or effective ways of working, ways to improve the design, develop own digital skills, planning, production, time management, etc.

Assessment Criteria

  • 5.1

    Create a test plan to test the website, making refinements where necessary.

  • 5.2

    Collect and present feedback on website.

  • 5.3

    Explain how the website meets the client brief and how own performance could be developed.