
Level 1
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
27 hours


This unit considers different ways of communicating with individuals, the barriers that may have an impact on effective communication and how to overcome these barriers.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Know different methods of communication.

There is a wide range of communication methods that a learner could consider. It may be helpful to cluster them under the key areas of communication i.e. speaking, listening, reading and writing. The tutor and learner can decide on the most relevant methods to meet their needs.

  • speaking - sign language, body language, social media, telephone/mobile, IT
  • listening - listening devices, IT
  • reading - books, magazines, electronic devices
  • writing - use of IT, formal documents, informational documents e.g. letters, notes Given the likely client groups in health and social care settings, consideration should also be given to less traditional forms of communication, including use of pictures, symbols, electronic communicators, gestures and vocalising. 

Good communication skills are important and will help :

  • develop better working relationships
  • providing clear information
  • provide good emotional support
  • assessing an individuals care needs

Care worker skills should include:

  • knowing how to keep a conversation going
  • using listening skills to check understanding
  • organising a conversation
  • using non-verbal communication
  • being able to ask open questions
  • understanding cultural differences and how they might impact on communication
  • understanding how disability and illness might impact

Learners should be able to use open questions appropriately e.g. How are you? Learners show be able to give examples of how to show empathy when communicating – This should include – paying attention to what a person is saying and acknowledging them by nodding and using encouraging words, reflecting back or paraphrasing what they just said.

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Identify a range of communication methods used in different settings.

  • 1.2

    Identify why it is important to have good communication skills within health and social care or early years and childcare setting.

  • 1.3

    Identify what communication skills a care worker needs in health and social care, early years or childcare.


Understand how to communicate with individuals.

Being an effective communicator is essential when working with other people. Ways of identifying communication and language needs may include:

  • asking the person
  • accessing individual's records, if authorised to do so
  • speaking to family members or friends if authorised to do so
  • observing the individual
  • speaking clearly and slowly
  • allowing people time to respond
  • checking hearing aids and spectacles

The learner should be aware of the importance of both speaking and listening within communication

Communication barriers and ways to overcome them may include:

  • sensory loss - aids, IT, quiet environment
  • language differences - be aware that words can have different meanings to different people
  • different languages – use of interpreter, translator or signers
  • cultural differences - know about and respect cultural differences including non-verbal communication/body language
  • physical disability e.g. effects of a stroke, accident - use simple short sentences, speak clearly, using gestures or visual aids
  • learning disability - physical contact if appropriate, one-to-one conversations, use of assistive technology, pictures/images
  • illness e.g. dementia, infections that cause confusion - regularly repeating information, presenting information visually and in simplified terms, avoid raising voice or speaking sharply to reduce distress, talking more slowly.

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Outline how to identify an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences.

  • 2.2

    Identify a range of barriers to communication.

  • 2.3

    Identify factors that promote communication and overcome barriers.