Qualification Grading Type
Grade Descriptors
- GD1-Understanding the subject
- GD2-Application of knowledge
- GD7-Quality
This unit is expiring
The expiry date of this unit is 31/07/2027.
Know how electrons behave in magnetic and electric fields
Explain the behaviour of charged particles moving normally to a:
a) uniform magnetic field
b) uniform electric field
Solve simple problems involving electrons moving normally to a uniform magnetic and electric fields.
Understand waves used in radiography.
Explain the use of ultrasound in diagnostic medicine, making reference to amplitude, wavelength and frequency.
Understand ionising and non ionising radiation.
Distinguish between the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
Understand environmental radiation.
Explain sources of environmental radiation:
a) natural sources
b) man-made sources.
Analyse health effects of environmental radiation.