Qualification Grading Type
Grade Descriptors
- GD1-Understanding the subject
- GD2-Application of knowledge
- GD4-Use of information
- GD7-Quality
Understand different types of discrimination.
a) Direct Discrimination
b) Associative Discrimination
c) Perceptive Discrimination
d) Indirect Discrimination
Understand the basis of discrimination.
Explain different bases of discrimination using examples from the nine protected characteristics .
(Equality Act 2010)
Analyse and discuss the role discrimination plays within society.
Understand the impact of discrimination on individuals.
Evaluate the impact on individuals of direct, indirect, associative and perceptive discrimination.
Understand the role of language in social interaction and discrimination.
Discuss the way language and in particular:
a) tone
b) choice of words
c) assumptions
d) non-verbal signals
communicate meaning.