As the number of young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) continues to rise, further education (FE) colleges and independent training providers (ITPs) across the UK are playing an important role in offering these learners much needed support.

Gateway Qualifications, along with its partners, are at the forefront of delivering flexible and personalised qualifications that support NEET learners to re-engage with learning, develop essential skills, and move onto further study, apprenticeships or the workforce.

Nearly 900,000 young people in the UK are estimated to be NEET
(Not in Education, Employment, or Training) (Office for National Statistics (ONS), August 2024)

The growing NEET challenge

Recent figures show an alarming rise in the number of NEET young people, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This demographic faces a unique set of challenges, which prevents them from accessing mainstream further education or training opportunities once they’ve left school. Many NEET learners enter the system with low confidence, high anxiety, and a history of disengagement from traditional education settings.

Colleges and ITPs are positioned to offer tailored support to young people. By providing alternative pathways, flexible qualifications, and inclusive support, these institutions can make a significant difference in the lives of NEET learners.

Gateway Qualifications provides the framework for this flexibility, allowing colleges to create programmes that meet both the needs of learners and local employers.

In partnership with Youth Employment UK, Milton Keynes College, Harlow College, SCL Group and City Gateway deliver personalised qualifications to help NEET learners re-engage with education, develop essential skills, and progress to further study, apprenticeships, or employment.

How FE College can support NEET learners – Read more How ITPs can support NEET learners – Read more