Discover how Further Education can help deliver the “Missing Middle” and enable students to get sustainable, well-paid tech jobs in under a year.
Join us on 14th September at 12.30 as we take part in a webinar to examine the implications of the government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper, how FE colleges can enable students to get sustainable, well-paid tech jobs in under a year and what solutions are available to help colleges deliver tech qualifications with limited resources.
Paul Saunders from Gateway Qualifications joins an industry panel alongside Lee Lindsay from Code Institute, Pasquale Fasulo from City of Bristol College and Mark Temple from West Yorkshire Combined Authority to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the white paper, and to learn more about how the City of Bristol College is tackling the issue.
Book your place now on the Code Institute website
Please note: This webinar is being organised by Code Institute. Gateway Qualifications is not responsible for taking bookings or issuing joining instructions.
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This webinar follows on from a joint white paper published by Code Institute, City of Bristol College, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Gateway Qualifications.
The white paper examines the implications of the government’s Skills for Jobs white paper, launched in January 2021, and reveals how City of Bristol College will prepare people for a career in software development in less than a year.
Download Delivering the Missing Middle here