Training and support
Different dates and times
A senior member from our Quality team

Welcome to our support sessions for your EDSQ delivery!

We want to ensure you have the best start and ongoing support for your delivery of our Essential Digital Skills Qualifications. With this in mind, these webinars run regularly throughout the year and each one is hosted by a senior member of our Quality team.

Simply click on the links below and select your chosen date to book.

Please note: These live webinars are available exclusively to staff at Centres approved to deliver our Essential Digital Skills Qualifications and you will need to book using an organisational email address provided by an approved EDSQ Centre. If you are not yet an approved Centre for EDSQ, you can find out more by attending one of our Essential Guide to Essential Digital Skills webinars, or by contacting us.

Quick start to EDSQ

This 30-minute onboarding webinar will be hosted by a senior member of our Quality team to help support you get started. This includes:

  • An introduction to the systems used
  • Basic processes
  • Q&A time

Who would benefit from this session?

This is open to any staff member that has any involvement with EDSQ (eg. delivering, marking, internal quality assurance and admin).

Register here!

Delivering and Assessing EDSQ

Two-hour session hosted by a senior member of our Quality team and for assessors and IQAs. We will be introducing resources and standardising marking at both levels.

Who would benefit from this session?

Assessors and IQA’s are required to attend before assessing EDSQ.

Register here!

These online sessions are held on a regular basis. You can choose a date and time that suits you, and you’re more than welcome to join us more than once!

If you’re not yet an approved Centre for EDSQ, you can find out more by attending one of our Essential Guide to Essential Digital Skills webinars, or by contacting us.