When you are looking for ways to maximise your Adult Education Budget (AEB), Gateway Qualifications’ extensive range of flexible, funded adult qualifications can help you design the ideal programme for your learners’ needs.
Our vocational qualifications span 16 occupational areas and have been designed to ensure that learners develop relevant vocational and employability skills that employers value. Ranging from Entry Level to Level 2 at Award, Certificate and Diploma sizes, our qualifications and their units are all fully fundable through our local flexibility offer. They are perfect to support JCP sector-based work academies, traineeships or your own tailored adult programme.
These qualifications are normally assessed through a portfolio of evidence, providing flexibility to really tailor your delivery and assessment to meet the individual learner. Many of our qualifications contain common units across the suite enabling efficiencies for co-teaching across different sectors.
Below we have included an example programme for construction, but a similar approach can be taken with any of our vocational areas, or a taster programme created using Vocational Studies.
For learners interested in construction our Entry Level Award in Skills for Construction is a great place to start. It provides your learners with an introduction to the construction sector that can be completed in a short period of time and prepare learners to progress to a larger or higher-level programme.
Our Level 1 Certificate in Skills for Construction then expands on skills and knowledge gained from the Award exploring a wider choice of vocational skills units, transferable employability skills, embedded numeracy and literacy as well as units for those seeking self-employment.
A popular option is to run other programmes in parallel. Typically, this would include the Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment. Achieving this qualification and the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) online test provides access to the CSCS Labourer Green Card, the licence to get on working on site.
If you would like to know more about how our qualifications can support your learners and maximise your funding allocations, or would like some advice on how to put together programmes for other sectors, please speak with your Business Development contact.
Following the recent update of the Adult Education Budget (AEB) funding rules, watch our free webinar for a detailed look at the key changes and discover the ways you can fully utilise this funding option to benefit your learners.
*Originally published June 2018, updated March 2020