NANSA, one of Norfolk’s leading disability empowerment charities, recently hosted this year’s Gateway Awards Day; a celebration of the achievements of learners on Gateway Qualifications’ programmes.

The awards were presented to NANSA service users by the Lord Mayor of Norwich, David Fullman, and the Sheriff of Norwich, David Walker. The Awards Day has become a much-appreciated date in the NANSA calendar, with excellent attendance and fun had by family, friends and supporters.

The main event of the day was the presentation of the Honor Boreham Award. This recognises the service user who has made the most effort and biggest strides in improvement; this year’s winner was Kerry Staff.

Commenting on Kerry’s win, the NANSA Head of Train and Trade Leon Smith said;

“Kerry is an inspirational lady who has worked so hard to achieve what she has, and I have every confidence she will obtain employment in the real world of work at the end of her traineeship. The support and kindness she offers her trainees is truly wonderful and she is such an asset to our work here.”

We were thrilled to attend the Gateway Awards Day and meet those teaching and learning our units within the NANSA Lifeworks course.

“It’s always an honour being invited to events and seeing learners rewarded for their efforts; its a personal highlight to the job. It’s exciting to think about what the learners will achieve in the next stage of their life.” – Darren Wheat, Sales Manager, Gateway Qualifications

NANSA is committed to its Train and Trade service which offers advice, opportunities and support to Norfolk residents with disabilities and/or complex mental or physical diagnoses. Train and Trade has a team of Development Coaches and Outreach Workers who work alongside the service user (Trainee) as part of an agreed and collaborative development plan, enabling them to break down the barriers that block their path into training, education and employment. Through a range of traineeships, certificates and work placements, which feature units from us at Gateway Qualifications, the Trainee is able to access a development programme tailored to meet their own specific needs.

If you’d like to speak to us about successfully delivering a number of units like NANSA, send us an email using our Contact Us page.