
Level 3
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
49 hours

Assessment Guidance

This unit assesses occupational competence. Evidence for learning outcomes 3 and 4 must come from performance in the work environment.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Understand principles and purpose of engaging learners in learning and development.

Reasons for engaging in the learning process

  • Learner’s aims and objectives
  • Why someone would commit to learning and development
  • What motivates individuals
  • Taking responsibility for own learning
  • Learner participation
  • Making choices
  • Raising awareness and clarity

Legislative influences and organisational policies including - Equal Opportunities - Safeguarding - Health and Safety - Use of appropriate language - Special Educational Needs - opportunities for addressing spiritual, cultural, moral, ethical and social values.

What processes exist to engage individuals? What are the benefits and drawbacks of these processes?

For example:

  • Ice-breakers
  • group-work
  • pair-work
  • presentations
  • discussions
  • Q&A sessions

Why people want to take part in learning and development:

  • Learner targets
  • Expected outcomes
  • Personal expectations
  • Company expectations and requirements
  • Work environment legislation, requirements and expectations
  • Changes within work environment

Barriers to learning and development and ways to overcome:

  • Learners’ hopes and expectations
  • Internal and external drives for learning and development such as:
  • Opportunities for promotion
  • Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Ways to engage others in reviewing own progress:

  • The various types of feedback, both to and from learner
  • How progress can be recorded as an ongoing process
  • Negotiating targets, dates and expected outcomes
  • Learner progress reviews

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Explain principles of engaging others in the learning and development process.

  • 1.2

    Identify processes and activities used to engage others in learning and development.

  • 1.3

    Explain why people are motivated to undertake learning and development.

  • 1.4

    Identify barriers to learning and development.

  • 1.5

    Identify ways to overcome barriers to learning and development.

  • 1.6

    Explain methods of engaging others in reviewing own learning.


Understand the role of mentoring in engaging others in the learning and development process.

How mentoring can build learner confidence through their support and listening skills.

The mentor’s role in offering alternative approaches, guidance and advice.

Mentoring relationships:

  • What an ideal mentor offers
  • Characteristics, skills, abilities, knowledge and experience of a mentor
  • Benefits to the learner

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Explain how mentoring can engage and motivate others to learn.

  • 2.2

    Give examples of mentoring relationships that engage and motivate others to learn.


Be able to assist and engage others in the learning and development process.

Ways of building relationships, positive engagement methods:

  • Ensure the classroom environment is welcoming to students from all cultures.
  • Enhance students’ self-belief.
  • Allow students control over learning.
  • Survey students to obtain information about their likes and dislikes.
  • Allow students to work autonomously, enjoy learning relationships with peers, and feel they are competent to reach their goals.
  • Create learning opportunities that are active, collaborative, and promote learning relationships.
  • Create educational experiences that are challenging and enriching and that extend their academic abilities.
  • Recognize that teaching and teachers are central to engagement.
  • Understanding what motivates learners and identifying and removing barriers to learning.

This could be evidenced by an observation of the practitioner engaging with a learner

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    Demonstrate working relationships with others to motivate learning.

  • 3.2

    Provide assistance to others to encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning and development.

  • 3.3

    Provide others with the information and advice to engage in learning and development that meets their needs.


Be able to assist others in reviewing their progress.

This should include:

  • The benefits of progress reviews
  • What the review requirements are within the organisation
  • Examples of review schedules and reviews that have taken place

Ways of providing feedback:

  • Negative feedback – corrective comments about past behaviour
  • Positive feedback – affirming comments about past behaviour
  • Negative feedforward – corrective comments about future performance
  • Positive feedforward – affirming comments about future behaviour

Reviewing progress:

  • SMART targets
  • Evaluation skills
  • Action planning

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1

    Provide others with constructive feedback on their learning and development.

  • 4.2

    Encourage others to review their own learning experience.

  • 4.3

    Record progress and achievement using an appropriate format.