
Level 1
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
30 hours

Assessment Guidance

Portfolio of evidence


Businesses receive and send a wide range of different types of physical and electronic mail every day. This can include letters, parcels, international mail, publicity materials, email and messages on social media. The aim of this unit is to help learners know why it is important to handle mail efficiently, securely and safely. They will then gain the practical skills of dealing with incoming and outgoing mail.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Know why it is important for a business to handle physical and electronic mail efficiently, securely and safely.

Learners may discuss the importance of handling physical and electronic mail appropriately and the potential consequences of not being efficient, secure and safe. Topics may include:

  • how efficient handling can improve the reputation of the business
  • how information is received and shared appropriately
  • ensuring deadlines are met
  • dealing with customer complaints quickly
  • how to deal with suspicious or damaged items

Learners may also consider the importance of confidentially when handling physical and electronic mail including data protection, storage and deletion of mail. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    State how efficient distribution of physical and electronic mail benefits a business.

  • 1.2

    State why inaccuracies or delays can have a negative impact.

  • 1.3

    Identify procedures to protect confidential information in physical and electronic mail-handling.

  • 1.4

    State how to deal with suspicious and damaged items. 


Be able to deal with incoming physical and electronic mail.

Different types of physical mail may include parcels, priority mail, newspapers and periodicals, standard mail. Electronic mail may include emails and messages via social media. 

Information on the front of the mail to use for sorting may include:

  • name of person
  • team or department name
  • floor in building

Learners may also consider how they will prioritise the mail to meet given deadlines. They may also consider how they will store and delete electronic mail. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Sort incoming physical and electronic mail appropriately.

  • 2.2

    Distribute incoming physical and electronic mail accurately and to a given deadline.


Be able to deal with outgoing physical and electronic mail.

When dealing with outgoing physical and electronic mail the learner may need to consider some of the following:

  • distributing internal and external physical and electronic mail
  • process for international mail
  • class of postage
  • size and weight of letter or parcel
  • pick up times
  • courier for examples Royal Mail, private companies
  • electronic mail etiquette ('netiquette')
  • storage and deletion of sent electronic mail

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    Collect and sort outgoing physical mail accurately and on time.

  • 3.2

    Dispatch outgoing physical mail on time.

  • 3.3

    Send electronic mail using established etiquette.