Be able to digitise concept art into game graphics.
Image capture: scanner, digital camera.
Workflow: e.g. slicing images, optimising (bit depth, resolution, dimensions) Menus: open, save, new, import, export, edit, view, help Image settings: size, resolution, width, height, colour mode, background, transparency, aspect ratio, file name.
Drawing tools: tool options, brush, pencil, duplicate, clone, fill, text, line, stroke, shape, zoom, guides and rulers, grid, snap, palettes, e.g. colour, gradients, layers, object, brushes, history, actions, size, resolution, layers, e.g. copying, saving, arranging, flattening, colour selection, e.g. foreground, background, colour swatch, eyedropper.
Editing tools: selection, e.g. marquee, lasso, magic wand, magnetic lasso, deselect, transform, e.g. scale, rotate, skew, flip, cut, copy, paste, crop, trim, erase, undo, fill.
Advanced tools: effects, e.g. layer effects, filters, channels, image adjustments, e.g. brightness and contrast, hue and saturation, colour balance, gradients, transparency, invert, masks, paths, e.g. vector paths, converting text to paths, image slicing
Assessment Criteria
Create digitised versions of concept art using appropriate technologies.
Apply industry tools and techniques to develop digital variance for both bitmap and vector concept art.
Export final digital graphics using appropriate technologies.