Learners will understand mobile games and the technologies, platforms and interfaces used to develop them. Learners will also develop the skills to design, develop and test a 2D mobile game using industry standard techniques.
Learners will understand mobile games and the technologies, platforms and interfaces used to develop them. Learners will also develop the skills to design, develop and test a 2D mobile game using industry standard techniques.
Understand mobile technologies, platforms and interfaces.
Characteristics: native gaming apps (those that are programmed for, and installed on, a specific mobile platform), web gaming apps (remote apps not required to be installed on the device) hybrid gaming apps (cross-platform compatible scripting that can be installed on a device).
Mobile devices: tablets, smartphones, user interface, e.g. small screen, touch screen, operating system (Android, iOS), device capabilities, such as connectivity, screen size, memory storage or programming language.
Explain the characteristics of mobile games and mobile devices.
Compare the different types of hardware and software used in mobile games development.
Explain how current and emerging mobile technologies impact on the development of mobile games.
Be able to design a 2D mobile game using industry standard techniques.
Gaming app design: description game and gameplay, target platform(s), screen layouts and navigation, algorithms, e.g. pseudocode, activity diagrams, control structures, data validation, integration of device capabilities, i.e. how, when and where device capabilities will be utilised, details of resources and assets to be used: predefined code, video, graphical, audio (e.g. sprites, sounds, images, movies, animations and buttons that will be integrated into mobile game).
Test schedule: testing the inputs and expected outputs, constraints, limitation of platform, legal and ethical considerations e.g. privacy, security, use of content created by others.
Produce design documentation for a 2D mobile game.
Review the designs with others to identify and inform refinements.
Be able to develop and test a 2D mobile game using industry standard techniques.
Preparing content: gather pre-defined programs, snippets and/or subroutines, and readymade and original assets, edit (using appropriate editing software) and optimise assets for a mobile platform (e.g. sacrificing quality for smaller file size), use file formats that are appropriate for the intended platform.
Develop and refine: game development environment, integrate ready-made assets, code snippets etc.
Annotate code to allow effective repair/debugging of the mobile game.
Test plans and test data: is mobile game fit for purpose? review the quality of the mobile game in terms of efficiency/performance, maintainability, portability and usability, gather feedback from others, document any changes to the design, including changes to the source table for pre-defined programs/snippets and ready-made assets.
Lessons learned: evaluate the effectiveness of the mobile game with reference to:
The extent to which the solution met the identified requirements
Issues arising during testing and refinement
How the mobile game could be improved to better meet the needs of the user and fulfil the identified client requirements.
Alternative solutions that could be implemented if the task were to be repeated.
Develop a 2D mobile game.
Select and use appropriate data types and show how they are declared.
Select and use appropriate selection and iteration methods.
Test and refine a 2D mobile game to ensure effective gameplay.