Understand cloud security.
Characteristics of passwords: changed regularly, more than eight characters long, unique for each service, not using personal data, combination of alphanumeric characters, cases and symbols.
Configuration and management of passwords: multi-factor authentication, automated password reset, password policy and enforcement.
Management of users and groups: create security groups, configure security groups, cloud connectivity, invite/edit/remove users, manage application access, check login statistics.
Management of cloud identities: identity provisioning (on-boarding and off-boarding), identity management (across multiple organisations, services, devices).
security threats: insider threats (malicious and accidental), denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, SYN flood, HTTP flood,distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, insecure application programming interfaces (APIs), malware, (spyware, worms, Trojans, viruses, adware, ransomware).
Minimise risk: computer usage policies, staff training, access rights/permissions, regular password resetting, malware software/malware checking, certification of APIs, collaboration of user knowledge/experience, using white/grey hat hackers, SYN cookies, collection of reverse proxies.
Assessment Criteria
Describe the characteristics of passwords and how they are configured and managed in cloud services.
Explain how users, groups and identities are managed in cloud services.
Discuss the security threats to cloud services and the methods available to minimise risk.