Assessment Guidance
Portfolio of Evidence.
Portfolio of Evidence.
Be able to plan a personal fitness training plan.
Learning Outcome 1: Indicative Content
Planning a personal fitness training plan/programme
Personal/background information: (e.g. name, age, current fitness levels using fitness tests, lifestyle to include smoking, alcohol, sleep, physical activity levels, medical history/medication taken, diet, interests).
Goal setting to include short, medium and long-term goals for the performer.
Designing a fitness training programme: i.e. aims/objectives of the training programme, principles of training (specificity, progression, overload, reversibility, tedium, frequency, intensity, time, type), training methods for the following components: flexibility (i.e. static, dynamic, PNF), strength (i.e. free weights, resistance machines), power (i.e. resistance machines, plyometrics), speed (i.e. interval, SAQ), Aerobic endurance (i.e. continuous, fartlek), muscular endurance (i.e. resistance machines and circuit), warm-ups and cool-downs for programme.
Reasons for inclusion of parts: reasons for the structure of the programme and content to include warm-up, main body of each session, cool down, training methods used, equipment used and why.
Know about exercise adherence.
Learning Outcome 2: Indicative Content
What is exercise adherence?
‘Maintaining an exercise regime for a prolonged period of time’.
Exercise adherence factors: i.e. barriers (e.g. time, money, energy, role conflict, social support, exercising with others, facilities, climate), achievable goal setting and meeting goals, enjoyment factor of activities and individualised exercise programmes.
Strategies to support adherence to an exercise programme: i.e. Use of SMART targets, social support (friend, group, relative, team mate), routine (enjoyable, varied, different), use of music, share goals, monitor goals closely, link to technology such as Fitbit, aim for a challenge such as 10km or half marathon race.
Reasons for selecting techniques: specific reasons for choosing adherence techniques and the benefits for when performing an exercise programme.
E.g. use of music helps to motivate and takes mind away from hard work or exercising with friend helps as won’t be able to skip sessions and also will feel bad about letting friend down if don’t attend a session.
Psychological, social and environmental factors (e.g. facilities, climate, exercising with others, social support, time, money, role conflict, body shape, goals, where equipment set up, time of day) affecting exercise adherence.
Be able to implement, monitor and review a personal fitness training plan.
Learning Outcome 3: Indicative Content
Carrying out a fitness training programme:
Programme should be the one planned in learning outcome 1 with evidence that each session has been performed, e.g. signature from gym instructor.
Fitness tests should be performed before, during and after programme to see if programme successful or not.
Training diary/logbook: i.e. record of session to include structure, timings and intensity of session, whether plan carried out, changes to plan and why, parts of session enjoyed and not enjoyed and exercise adherence techniques used.
Review of plan: i.e. strengths of plan, fitness testing results over duration of plan and impact on sporting performance in future, review of goals from plan from learning outcome 1, future changes to plan and how will help improve fitness and goals further in the future.