Now that the vast majority of delivery has returned to pre-pandemic arrangements, Ofqual has confirmed the arrangements for awarding in 2022/23.


The vocational and technical qualifications contingency regulatory framework (VCRF) will remain in place as a contingency measure to allow adaptations and/or the determination of grades through alternative evidence or teacher assessed grades. This will only be the case should the pandemic worsen and government policy change.


The adaptations put in place for qualifications during the pandemic are no longer applicable, and all delivery and assessment must now be conducted in line with the relevant qualification specification.

Contingency planning

As our assessments can be taken on-demand, Centres are able to arrange assessments to support their delivery plans.

Centres should, in their planning, consider how religious festivals, school/college holidays, the additional May bank holiday and strike action may affect your delivery plans.

You won’t always be able to avoid conflicts, but please ensure you have appropriate guidance for learners and staff on what to do if attendance at assessments is affected by such events.

Access to HE Diplomas

The QAA’s Extraordinary Regulatory Framework no longer applies, and all delivery and assessment must be as set out in the relevant Diploma Specification.

More details for providers are available on the QAA website, and guidance that can be shared with Access to HE learners is available on the Access to HE website.

Should you have any queries or require additional support, please get in touch with