The Department for Education (DfE) is inviting responses on the new National Standards it has developed, alongside their proposals on how they should be used to create new qualifications.
The consultation is part of the qualifications reforms in post-16 education in England and seeks to improve Personal, Social and Employability qualifications (PSEQs).
These qualifications cater to a diverse group of learners, encompassing both young people and adults, particularly those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Many Gateway Qualifications centres work with these types of learners and we would encourage you to read the proposals and engage with the consultation to ensure that your views are heard. The consultation is open until 20th May 2024, and full information is available on the DfE’s consultation webpage.
National Standards for PSEQs Consultation website – Department for Education
The DfE is also holding a series of events as part of the public consultation. Booking details for these are also available on the consultation webpage.
- PSEQ Public Consultation Launch Presentation – 23rd April – 10.00 – 11.30 am
- PSEQ Consultation: Round table – Employability Qualifications – 30th April – 10.00 – 11.30 am
- PSEQ Consultation: Round table – Personalised PSEQs – 1st May – 1.00 – 2.30 pm
- PSEQ Consultation: Round Table – The Standards – 2nd May – 3.00 – 4.30 pm
You can find the consultation documents on the DfE webpage below:
National Standards for Personal, Social and Employability Qualifications
Draft PSEQ National Standards for consultation – Employability
Draft PSEQ National Standards for consultation – Independent Living