Following a successful launch through our partnership with Holland & Barrett, eCertificates are now available to all centres for all qualifications.

Why should I use eCertificates?

  1. Completely free! An extra service we have added as part of your centre recognition fee
  2. Set up is simple – email and let our Customer Excellence team know of your interest
  3. Options available to have printed, eCertificates or both
  4. Reduces administration burden for centres, such as posting certificates, storing physical version and keeping them secure
  5. eCertificates are instantly available once processed, meaning learners can receive them more quickly compared to posting
  6. Our eCertificates look the same as the printed versions
  7. Handy to have for funding deadlines
  8. You’ll be doing your bit for the environment by going paperless while keeping up with the digital climate
  9. Learners can easily attach the PDF version to higher education or job application forms

Once you have emailed Customer Excellence team (see number 2 above) and you are all set up, guidance on How to Produce eCertificates is available on our website.