AI not permitted as the sole marker of learners’ work
Whilst undertaking work to explore the current and future uses of AI in the qualifications and assessment landscape, Ofqual identified that the use of AI as the sole marker of learners’ work is not permitted.
Ofqual defines an ‘Assessor’ as “A person who undertakes marking or the review of marking. This involves using a particular set of criteria to make judgements as to the level of attainment a Learner has demonstrated in an assessment.”
The definition is clear that an assessor must be a person who is able to make judgements. AI as a sole marker would not fall within this definition.
This rule applies to all our qualifications including where a centre is responsible for marking assessments where the assessment is either externally set by Gateway Qualifications or is a Centre-devised assessment. Centres must have effective arrangements in place to ensure that the criteria in which student’s performance can be differentiated and understood, is accurately and consistently applied by assessors. The same applies to internal quality assurance arrangements.
More information about Internal & External Assessment Practice can be found in our Centre Handbook.
Advice and guidance to tutors, assessors and internal quality assurers (IQAs) can be found in our Centre Guide to Best Practice in Internal Assessment.
Centre’s may also find it helpful to refer to the Joint Council for Qualifications guidance: AI Use in Assessments: Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications – JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications