Gateway Qualifications are pleased to announce some changes to simplify and streamline our Quality processes which will support staff within your centres. We have listened to customers and have made the following changes to reduce the burden on staff.
Qualification approval process
The new process will enable existing centres to gain automatic approval for a wider range of qualifications. This will prevent repeated qualification approvals as all qualifications will be grouped. By seeking approval for one qualification within the group, other eligible qualifications will be approved. For example, approval for a Diploma will automatically gain approval for a Certificate and Award.
Staff qualification requirements
We are also removing the requirement for centres to provide evidence of certificates as part of the approval process. External Quality Assurers (EQAs) will check the suitability of staff when conducting centre visits to ensure that staff have appropriate qualifications and experience. A simple CV will be sufficient. Staff will no longer be expected to have achieved assessor or verifier qualifications for our qualifications at entry and level 1. Assessor and verifier qualifications will only be required for qualifications at level 2 and above if the qualification leads to occupational competence. All specifications will be updated to reflect the changes.
These changes will be phased in from October and we will publish full guidance and ensure that your questions are addressed in due course.