How do I upload the learner registration form for Access to HE courses?

  1. Click ‘Actions’ on the home screen
  2. Select ‘Registration Submission’
  3. Click the programme/provider course of learning and select the course
    • If the course does not appear in the menu contact Gateway Qualifications
  4.  Click ‘View Units’ if you wish to view the units contained within the course
  5. Ensure you have selected the correct course before moving on
  6. Select the Qualification (if not already selected)
    • If no Qualification appears, the course is Unit Achievement only or is part of the Gateway Assured provision, leave blank
  7. Click Continue
  8. Cohort start and end dates are mandatory
    • Learners should be registered within the deadlines specified in the ‘Other Fees and Charges’ section of the Qualification Price List
    • A late fee will be applied per learner to all late registrations. If your registration is late, you will need to complete the ‘Late Tab’ on the Excel registration form, to provide a brief explanation, prior to uploading the file.  The form will be returned to you if the details are not provided
  9. Your Reference field is mandatory – Enter ‘NA’ if not applicable
  10. Purchase Order field is mandatory – Enter ‘NA’ if not applicable
  11. Click ‘Choose File’ to browse and locate your Excel document
  12. Click ‘Continue’ to submit the registration only
  13. ‘Registration Submission Confirm’ screen will appear, check the details are correct and select ‘Submit’ to confirm the registration
  14. A confirmation screen will appear detailing the cohort ID reference etc

Image of Access to HE registration submission confirmation

  1. At this point there will be a delay whilst Gateway Qualifications processes your registrations onto the system
  2. When the learners have been registered you will receive a further email requesting that you log back in and select your units for each learner
  3. You are now permitted to select units for the cohort
  4. Refer to ‘Selecting Units for Access to HE courses only‘ for further guidance