We have been reviewing our quality assurance systems and processes to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and continue to meet the needs of learners and centres.
This includes arrangements for centre visits and associated feedback, how we approach standardisation within and across centres, and how we share good practice and identify areas for development.
Requests for Samples
As part of this work we are gathering samples of learner work to support standardisation activities we are holding with our external quality assurance associates. Some of you may have already received requests to provide samples and we are extremely grateful for your contribution to this activity.
We fully appreciate that collecting samples can be very time consuming for you and that you need time to collate the information. We are working to an annual schedule to ensure that all key groups of qualifications are included over the academic year.
Sharing Good Practice
Once each standardisation meeting has taken place we will be issuing a report to centres highlighting areas of good practice we observed and suggesting areas for development. We will also follow up these reports with webinars for centres where your colleagues will have the opportunity to share their experiences, offering an excellent opportunity to cascade the feedback and share good practice.
The first of these webinars focussed on Employability. Please find a link to the webinar here – Employability Webinar