Gateway Qualifications is one of only three Awarding Organisations to have Essential Digital Skills Qualifications currently undergoing technical evaluation by Ofqual.
Essential Digital Skills qualifications at Entry Level 3 and Level 1 will be a new, fully funded, legal entitlement for adults from August 2020. Our approach has been developed in consultation with Centres and we are now awaiting the results of Ofqual’s technical evaluation. All new EDSQs must go through this technical evaluation before they are made available to centres to deliver.
For more information about Essential Digital Skills, take a look at our Essential Digital Skills explained article.
Digital Forum
As part of our consultation on the Essential Digital Skills qualifications, we held a number of very successful highly interactive focus groups. The discussions at these meetings are helping us to shape and inform our qualification offer. Attendees at the events welcomed the opportunity to discuss the structure and method of assessment of the qualifications and also expressed an interest in participating in a digital forum. We are passionate about meeting and exceeding the expectations of our customers and believe an important part of this is listening and engaging with Centres.
Our next step on this journey is the launch of our Digital Forum. This forum will seek to support Gateway Qualifications to achieve its principal aim of providing qualifications of the highest quality that are accessible to all and enable learners to progress. It will provide the opportunity to:
- connect with practitioners to highlight and share ideas, good practice, guidance and teaching and learning materials
- provide the subject expertise to inform and advise Gateway Qualifications on new product development and product evaluation in the sector
- provide feedback on the operation and management of assessment delivery.
If you would like to join us in-person in London or online on 29th January 2020 to hear more about this and other developments in the Digital/IT sector then please email