Qualification Prices for 2024-2025

Posted on June 12th 2024

Details of our fees and charges for the academic year 2024-2025

Introducing MyQuartz – Improving your experience

Posted on January 25th 2024

Changes in response to customer feedback.

Timely delivery of Vocational and Technical Qualification (VTQ) results

Posted on November 30th 2023

Our measures to embed timely delivery of VTQ results in 2024 and beyond.

Assessment and awarding of vocational, technical and other general qualifications for 2022 to 2023

Posted on November 25th 2022

Important reminders for assessments taking place in the academic year 2022-23.

Qualification Prices for 2022-2023

Posted on August 1st 2022

Details of our fees and charges for the academic year 2022/23.

Qualification Prices for 2021-2022

Posted on June 25th 2021

Details of our fees and charges for the academic year 2021/22.

Training day for Gateway Qualifications staff

Posted on April 22nd 2021

We will be in staff training on 22nd April 2021.

Updates to the learner registration process – selecting units

Posted on February 25th 2021

From 1st August 2021, we will require Centres to select units at the point of learner registration to improve the support we provide and simplify certificate claims.

Upcoming Quartz Improvements and Outage

Posted on November 25th 2020

The system will be offline on the weekend of 4th – 6th December 2020.

Awarding Qualifications in Summer 2020 – Admin

Posted on June 22nd 2020

Admin-focused advice for those tasked with collating and submitting results.