What is the purpose of this qualification?
This qualification is suitable if you need a short introductory level 1 course in Engineering. It is particularly appropriate for:
• unemployed adults needing to demonstrate their interest in and commitment to engineering to potential employers, particularly where further work-based training will be on offer.
• young people on trainee-ships who are working at level 1 and are seeking a short, focused qualification in the sector in which they wish to work/gain an apprenticeship, as part of the work preparation training element of a trainee-ship.
• learners of any age who have been disengaged with learning and need a short introduction at level 1 before progressing straight to a larger certificate or diploma at level 2.
What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?
This qualification provides you with an introductory set of knowledge and skills, relevant to engineering. The learner must take at least one of the following units:
• Working Safely in Engineering
• Using Mathematics and Science in Engineering
Optional units include topics such as electronics, using a bench/pedestal drilling machine and computer-aided drawing (CAD).
How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?
This qualification is part of a suite which includes an Award, Certificate and Diploma. The learners should take the Award if they need only a small amount of focused learning in engineering before progressing to a Level 2 qualification, or to employment (with further training where possible), as illustrated in the target learner profiles provided above.
Which sector does this qualification support?
The main purpose of the qualification is to support your progression to a level 2 qualification. However, the learner could progress to entry-level or trainee job roles in engineering, such as machine operator, manufacturing or production operative or workshop assistant.
What are the progression options?
The learners can progress to a level 2 certificate or diploma in engineering, including level 2 qualifications such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Welding and Fabrication, Performing Engineering Operations, and Technical Certificates in Engineering.
Progression & entry requirements
The learners do not need any prior qualifications or a specific level of attainment to take this qualification. It is available to learners of any age.