How do I download the Report of Achievement or Completion (RAC) to claim certificates?

A Point to Note…

This guidance is applicable to non-Access to HE courses only.

  1. Click ‘Actions’ and select ‘Your Cohorts’.
  2. Click to select the cohort ID reference.
  3. Select ‘Results’ and ‘Results Submission Forms’

Image of results submission form generation screen

  1. Click ‘Generate RAC’
  2. Open the document or save the file to a designated folder
    • Check all names are spelt correctly
    • If any errors are found, email advising the cohort id, incorrect spelling and the correct spelling of the name
    • Gateway Qualifications will make the amendment and advise when a new RAC can be downloaded
  3. Now refer to the Claiming Certificates – Completing the Report of Achievement or Completion (RAC) for further guidance