How can I check the units I have selected will meet the Rules of Combination?

The Rules of Combination (ROC) checker will review and evaluate the units you have selected for the learners.

Using the ROC Checker in QuartzWeb:

  1. Register your learners in the usual way – Registering Learners
  2. In order for the feature to operate successfully, all units delivered must be selected.
A Point to note..

At first the unit selection page may appear blank, click the ‘search’ button to view a list of all units available.

  1. On the QuartzWeb homepage – Click ‘Your Cohorts’
  2. Search and select the cohort ID
  3. Scroll down to the the list of learners
  4. Within the Actions column – Click ‘Actions’ and select from the drop-down list ‘Check Registered Qualifications’

  1. A ‘Qualification Check’ screen will be displayed – If the units selected meet the ROC, a green tick will appear against each group of units

  1. If the units selected do not meet the rules of combination, a red X will be displayed against the groups

  1. Check the units selected and adjust accordingly by deselecting and re-selecting units
  2. Rerun the qualification check