How do I verify results online?
Each qualification (except Access to Higher Education) is allocated an External Quality Assurer (EQA). This is the person recognised by Gateway Qualifications as the authority to verify results.
This process involves 2 steps:
- The Administration Contact uploads the completed RAC (please refer to the – Claiming Certificates – Uploading the RAC to QuartzWeb)
- Once results have been submitted, the EQA will receive an email notification. This will include a link asking them to log in to verify and approve the award claimed
Reviewing and Verifying Results
- Log-in to the Online Registration and Awarding System QuartzWeb – Logging In
Click ‘Actions’ and select ‘Results Verification’
- Select the cohort to be verified by clicking on the ‘Verify’ button on the right
- You must review the uploaded RAC document before verifying the results – click ‘Review Results for Cohort…’ link. Once viewed this can be closed.
- Enter the verification date when the results were approved.
- If the RAC is accepted, please leave the ‘Mini Report’ box empty
- Click ‘Verify’ to approve the Awards
- Click ‘Return’ to reject the claim.
- If the RAC is rejected an explanation must be written in the ‘Mini Report’ box on screen
- A results verification notification will appear advising the results file has been verified for the cohort
Points to note..
- If the submission is rejected an email notification will be sent to the Centre Administrator stating that the RAC requires re-submission. The whole process will start again and a new RAC will need to be generated, completed and submitted for the cohort.
- Once the results are agreed, the verification process is complete and the award will be processed by Gateway Qualifications. The Centre Administrator and Gateway Qualifications will receive an email to confirm that the RAC has been processed.
- If several emails are issued advising there are results to verify, to save time it is advisable to log in to the system once and to follow the reviewing and verifying results process above. There is no requirement to click the individual links on each email.