A not-for-profit Awarding Organisation offering Qualifications, End-point Assessments, Access to HE Diplomas, ESOL, Digital Skills and more...

Our colleagues at Gateway Qualifications have been fantastic to work with. This has been about a partnership between New City College and Gateway Qualifications. Without that partnership, we wouldn’t have been able to take this forward as quickly as we’ve been able to.

Gerry McDonald
CEO & Principal, New City College
A group of volunteers are organizing a food and clothes bank A group of volunteers are organizing a food and clothes bank

Addressing the NEET crisis

Discover the varied ways Colleges and Independent Training Providers are successfully tackling the challenge.

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Assisting a Customer at Check Out Assisting a Customer at Check Out

Top-tier EPA service, leveraging 30 years of national expertise and flexible assessment options. Our dedicated team provide unparalleled support to apprentices, employers, and training providers.

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African girl student learning class on laptop watching webinar at home. African girl student learning class on laptop watching webinar at home.

Webinars and Events

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A group of volunteers are organizing a food and clothes bank Addressing the NEET crisis
Assisting a Customer at Check Out Bringing our extensive expertise to End-point assessments
African girl student learning class on laptop watching webinar at home. Stay up-to-date with our webinars and events