Would you like to up-skill your volunteer base?
What steps could you take to help make your volunteering opportunities a valuable enough experience to make existing volunteers stay with you?
Volunteering is currently at a 10 year high and according to the Bank of England, the estimated economic value of UK volunteering activities equates to £50bn per year.
Volunteers play such an important role in many organisations and whilst many give up their time with no expectation of reward, it is important that volunteer-involving organisations recognise volunteers for the contribution they make.
Our range of volunteering qualifications could help you to better guide and utilise their experience and knowledge, whilst showing your commitment to them in investing in their skills.
In an age of austerity, investing in your volunteer base not only aids retention of these key members of staff but businesses also stand to benefit from a more skilled, productive and better-motivated workforce.
Benefits for volunteers
- Motivation
- Increased skills
- Increased likelihood of gaining paid work after their volunteering experience
- Personal development
- Recognition of their contribution to the organisation.
Benefits for the organisation
- Volunteers who are more effective and skilled in their tasks
- Improved retention of volunteers
- Easier recruitment of volunteers
- Improved service/ results of volunteering.
Gateway Qualifications has a range of qualifications suitable for using with volunteers, including:
- Level 1 Award in Volunteering
- Level 2 Award in Volunteering
- Level 2 Award in Skills for Volunteers
- Level 3 Award in Managing Volunteers
To deliver these qualifications, your organisation needs to become a recognised centre.
Please speak to our Business Development Team for further information on 01206 911 240 or email enquiries@gatewayqualifications.org.uk